Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From my testing

I downloaded the blogger app and thought to myself: "Haha funny posting from a cell" get it? Lol lame yeah buuuut then omg next thought was smarticle!! (I like making up and nod! Lol)
I thought:
"Isn't ironic, cell phones and jail cells are so similar?"

They must have bars to work properly...
Your friends are in there....
Technically you can get education there....
You are a slave to the service providers...
You must pay for it....if you don't you are in solitary...
Sometimes you only get one call home in....and they are always collect calls

Then I think...Holy Hell!!! Are we all in prison??

I'm almost positive there is more similarities I can't think of now. My littlest is starting to raise Hell....


I want more.....and lil about me

I am Brooke a mom of 3 lil cutie brat-faces ;) I have a huge thirst for learning and educating myself on lots of different things....I am a thirty something momma who wants more than what I have been given....I have decided when I get worthy information that can help others it Ill share it here(with a lil shove from my big sister lol).....cause I am not THAT selfish..... even though I want more than what I already have.....

I want more education

More answers 

More understanding people

More justice in this effed up world

More regulation and straight up banning of chemicals in every day things like food, cosmetics, household cleaners and everyday things!!

More competent medical professionals...yeah totally sucky Drs out there......not all of them got an A... keep that in mind people!!! Interview them.....research them and please I beg you find an integrative Dr....they are THE best!!! The best Drs are the ones who prescribe you the LEAST medications.....swear....unless you wanna be a zombie pill popper, in that case by all means they are all over and go for it!! 

More shoes(what chick doesn't?!? I mean really!!)

More Strongbow(its a hard cider, get ya some you'll thank me!!) 

More patience....enough said

More chocolate that is yummy and isn't a pudge bomb waiting to happen....btw I said yummy.....dont say jack to ME about dark chocolate....seriously!!! PUKE!! I challenge ya to prove me wrong.

I want more days in the weekend!

I want more coffee....brb....

Ohhhh I want more newborn babies to cuddle with .....ones that I can hand off to their parents cause they puke and scream and shit too I have 3 of my own and they keep me busy enough....

but I want more for these kids.....seriously. 

More people with common sense, Can I get a freakin AMEN?!?! Yeah I know you just said it! Thank ya!!! :) 

More music

Yeah that's about it....Money is always good too but whatev! Seems to be the trend that makes everyone raise Hell to begin with...right?  So that's pretty much me in a nut's shell ;)


Ps This song is always worth listening to......the video is so true of my favorites ever!!! :)